@veye_xumm Thanks for updates. WIll check with Seeed studio how to upgrade the firmware.
Latest posts made by Vincentng
RE: VeYe IMX462 driver on Jetson Orin Nx 8G
RE: VeYe IMX462 driver on Jetson Orin Nx 8G
@veye_xumm If that's the case, we can only give up J401 board from Seeed studio ? Or can you help to advise which carrier board with Orin NX 8GB can match veye IM462 camera ?
RE: VeYe IMX462 driver on Jetson Orin Nx 8G
@john THanks for supporting to report the issue to SeeedStudio, I think we can do nothing but pray...
@veye_xumm anything we can try to revise the I2C or CSI driver ?
RE: VeYe IMX462 driver on Jetson Orin Nx 8G
@veye_xumm Thanks for reply. I'm trying to contact SeeedStudio's supporting. But may I know if the I2C port using another I2C or what any other concerns about the I2C drvier ? Is the I2C driver in seperate ko or inside the CSI driver ko ?
I'd raise out the issue on Seeed's forum also. https://forum.seeedstudio.com/t/j401-with-orin-nx-8g-connect-to-veye-imx462-camera-module/270931 Or you can also join in the discussion so the issue can be more easily communicate.
VeYe IMX462 driver on Jetson Orin Nx 8G
Dear all, I purchase VeYe IM462 camera module and connect to Jetson Orin NX 8G (with carrier board J401 from seeed studio), I follow the wiki step etc but fail to get the driver work. I try the jetpack 5.1.1 with L4r35.3.1; Jetspack 5.1 with 35.2.1 also, but still fail to detect the camera. Can anyone have advise f
or me ?