SOLVED IMX462 with Raspberry Pi Zero 2
Followed instructions in 327 instructions for raspberrypi
- enabled legacy mode in bullseye raspi
- ran ./veye_raspipreview -v -t -1 -p '0,0,1920,1080'
- ran ./veye_raspistill -o ./test.jpg
here's the verbose output for the 2 commands
./veye_raspipreview -v -t -1 -p '0,0,1920,1080' before create camera com time out -1 veye_raspipreview Camera App v0.3.7 Width 1920, Height 1080, filename (null) Time delay -1, Timelapse 0 Link to latest frame enabled no Full resolution preview No Capture method : Single capture Preview Yes, Full screen No Preview window 0,0,1920,1080 Opacity 255 Hardare version: 902120 before create camera com mmal: mmal_component_enable w 1920 h 1080 fps 30 raspipreview_create com
./veye_raspistill -o ./test.jpg Hardare version: 902120 before create camera com sensor mode 0
Neither program produces any output. Confirmed that the camera is plugged correctly into the camera port.
Please refer to the following link. any operation, please execute the command provided.
@veye_xumm It reports i2c information, sensor is imx462, but i still couldn't get a preview of the camera.
Is this the board you're using? I'll try it. -
The feedback from this link below is the same as your problem, and although it is in Chinese, the images in it are informative.在新版raspberry-pi-zero-2-w上无法使用I'll list the points to use:
- Use a separate 5V supply.
- On the raspberry pi zero 2w, the power on enable pin for camera, needs to be executed separately:
raspi-gpio set 40 dh
Once this is done, the camera can be detected on the i2c-10 bus.
i2cdetect -y 10
The 0x3b device can be detected and the script can read and write camera parameters now.
After completing the above steps, you can use the veye_raspicam series software normally.