SOLVED Xavier NX does not reboot after changing Image
So I cloned the github repository, and I unziped the tar file that corresponded to the Xavier NX with jetpack 4.5.1 (Signed). Then, I copied the Image and Image.sig to /boot/Image as it said in the wiki.
After a reboot, the light of the Xavier NX was still green but the screen was not showing anything. I have already had this issue before and I just flashed my microSD card again to jetpack 4.5.1 and everything is fine.
I am wondering if I should connect to it through some debug port or something to get more information about what happened or if one of you already knows what to do.
Thanks in advance!
Did you upgrade the dtb file and modify /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf correctly?
If you did not upgrade dtb file I think it is strange.The problem often encountered is that the customer has not modified /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf correctly which could cause similar problems.
@veye_xumm I didn't upgrade the dtb or the .conf file. I forgot to mention I have 2 cameras connected to the Xavier as I changed the image and restarted the Xavier (if that makes a difference). I wonder if I shouldn't have restarted and continued with the dtb upgrade first, but I don't know what could be the problem.
Oddly enough, there is nothing wrong with this operation. The Image we offer only adds to our camera drivers on the official basis of Nvidia, and does not reduce anything.What interface does your display screen use?
Is it possible that nx started it normally? You can try to get the IP address of NX board based on the official version Image and log in to it with ssh. After replacing it with our Image, try to see if the connection to this IP is still working. -
@veye_xumm So I finally reflashed the Xavier NX and I noted the IP address. I also think I made the IP address static. After changing the /boot/Image folder and restarting the Xavier, SSH wasn't working and I tried to SSH to all IP addresses on the network, but they didn't work with one of them saying connection refused. I am guessing the Xavier wasn't in connection mode since it was in recovery mode or something which from what I read stops the peripherals from working, explaining why my display was not working as well.
I also plugged in to the uart interface of the Xavier to get some debug information about the crash. I have uploaded the file and I think it could be useful for solving the problem. Especially the last part (the part where it crashes).
Here is the file:
AfterChangingBootImageVeye.txt -
I can't get effective help information about this log.I have two possible suggestions.
- Update both Image and dtb, but this approach probably won't solve the problem.
- Recompile from the code according to the following link. You can compile the standard version, test it, then add our driver, and then test it after compilation.
I find it strange because this version of Image is already used by so many customers.
This question has been asked for a long time and the status has not been updated. I will mark the status as solved, so you can follow up again if needed, or just open the question.