I need wait for clear sky to test and provide feedback
Finally tested, for gain value 20 it is looks pretty same with color sensor with ISP, but background no so black as for color sensor.
For me this issue resolved, attached examples to compare (10 seconds stacks)
would u please give me the complete guide to build drivers needed for IMX264 on Orin NX 16GB?
For Jetpack 6.0 R36.3, I didn't find any clear instruction on the wiki.
Sorry, but the usb series has very few configurable options. To the point that it is basically unconfigurable, except for resolution and frame rate.
@veye_xumm well, I thanks you.
you helped me a lot long the pass and finally I was able to successfully work with the IMX264 on jetson Nano B01-Devkit 4GB jetpack 4.6.1 ( L4T 32.7.1).
i tested both cameras and both are Ok.
Still I have issues on other forum for Jetson Orin NX - Jetpack 6.0 (L4T 36.3).