UNSOLVED Unable to create camera on pi zero without gui
We're getting the following debug information when the camera doesn't display to screen.
veye/veye_raspcam/bin/veye_raspipreview -v -t -1 -p '0,0,1920,1080' before create camera com time out -1 veye_raspipreview Camera App v0.3.7 Width 1920, Height 1080, filename (null) Time delay -1, Timelapse 0 Link to latest frame enabled no Full resolution preview No Capture method : Single capture Preview Yes, Full screen No Preview window 0,0,1920,1080 Opacity 255 Hardare version: 9000c1 before create camera com mmal: mmal_component_enable w 1920 h 1080 fps 30 raspipreview_create com
It doesn't do it all the time but it's come up often enough that it is a serious issue. We found if you restart the pi that it displays camera.
We are very sorry that due to COVID-19, we have not been in regular office for some time recently.
Based on your description, I think it is most likely due to the lack of power supply capacity of the FFC cable of the pi ZERO. Please try it with a separate 5V power supply.
Looking forward to your results.