SOLVED VEYE-MIPI-IMX327S installation issue on the Google coral dev board?
Hi There
I followed your instructions for installing the VEYE-MIPI-IMX327S onto the Google coral dev board but when I navigate to /boot to
sudo cp fsl-imx8mq-phanbell-<camera_name>.dtb fsl-imx8mq-phanbell.dtb
as per your instructions no such file exists.
The contents of the directory are as follows
mendel@zippy-tang:/boot$ ls
boot.scr fsl-imx8mm-columbia.dtb fsl-imx8mq-phanbell-m4.dtbo Image overlays.txt u-boot.imx
config-4.14.98-imx fsl-imx8mq-phanbell.dtb fsl-imx8mq-yorktown.dtb lost+found vmlinuz-4.14.98-imxAny advice much appreciated.
kind regards
Nigel. -
It looks like the command was executed successfully, but it didn't have an effect.
I am now offering an alternative method, first pushing the deb file to the board and then just installing it manually.- on host pc
mdt push linux-image-4.14.98-imx_12-2_arm64.deb mdt shell
- you are in coral board now
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-4.14.98-imx_12-2_arm64.deb
Thank you, that worked, camera is streaming now.
Thanks for your help.regards
Nigel. -
You are welcome.