UNSOLVED Camera menu appears on VEYE-MIPI-IMX327S and results
Line in end of veye_mipi_i2c.sh added:
./i2c_write $I2C_DEV $I2C_ADDR 0x07 0xFF&> /dev/null;
A menu appeared. Sequential execution of commands causes the on-screen display to disappear.
./i2c_write 10 0x3b 0x0010 0xDE ./i2c_write 10 0x3b 0x0011 0x0B ./i2c_write 10 0x3b 0x0012 0x02 ./i2c_write 10 0x3b 0x0013 0x00
But while the menu was the menu cursor moves spontaneously. As a result:
Depicts a road, but with a negative (or inversion) effect. Power off / on the image is not restored.
How do I make a normal image?
These 4 lines is not a script that mean to "make menu disappear". In fact it is a method to make the menu's life time very short.
I suggest you run this script after power on you rpi.By the way,
I've been curious as to why your app causes the menu to appear, and since there is no dsi screen, on the two pins below, have you connected any other i2c sensor devices?
No devices are connected to these contacts. The camera is connected to RPi4b and RPiZero only via the CSI interface.