SOLVED saturation, contrast, shutter speed, iso on VEYE-MIPI-462
@veye_xumm, thanks a lot for you quick answer.
I was using PiCamera python package to access the new HQ RaspiCam with IMX477 sensor.
From there, you can easily set dynamicaly saturation, contrats (there are set_contrast, set_saturation functions),which is a bit cleaner than using sh scripts. Do you think it is possible to add such functions in your D_mipicam.c file and call them from Python ?
If not I will call the shell script.Regarding the overlay, as I work in full terminal mode (no xwindow), I was wondering if it was possible to display a (for example) jpg image using your API ? I know that MMAL can do that with overlay renderer.
And other questions for you
- As PiCamera is a python package that fully rely on MMAL, do you know if it can work with your VEYE-IMX462 camera ?
- Is it possible from your API to convert a capture to a numpy array. I think that's what asarray method in buffer doing but not sure.
Thanks for your precious help
And does the source code of libveyecam.a library available somewhere ?
Thanks -
And sorry another question. If I set saturation, contrast from this script (through Python), and then make a capture from mipi_camera instance in my python program will it use my saturation, contrast setting to make the capture ?
@watchever This is not open for the time being, sorry.
yes -
As PiCamera is a python package that fully rely on MMAL, do you know if it can work with your VEYE-IMX462 camera ?
I think it could not work.
@veye_xumm, thanks for answer. Is there any possibility to set camera params by using a structure from rather than using shell script.
We do not provide such an interface for the time being. This shell script actually calls the i2C read-write function implemented by the C language. It's all open source.
It should be able to implement the method you are talking about. -
Ok I am going to implement this in C language.
However do you know if there is a guide regarding the registers of the VEYE module on I2C, possible values and what they are doing.I see that there are common steps to set value using registers 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, but not clear for me.
Thanks for your help
And you confirm that this shell script works with the VEYE-MIPI-IMX462 module ?
This post is deleted! -
This post is deleted! -
@veye_xumm, I see lot of methods in RaspiCamControl.c file that seem to control contrast (raspicamcontrol_set_contrast), saturation and lot of others parameters for the camera.
Can I use them to set VEYE_MIPI_IMX462 parameters rather than using I2C shell scripts ? It would be more convenient.Thanks for your help
@watchever said in saturation, contrast, shutter speed, iso on VEYE-MIPI-462:
I think it could not work.
RaspiCamControl.c control the isp moudle inside RPI, while VEYE camera use ISP outside RPI. -
Thanks for your reply. Can you also tell me if you have some help regarding the I2C registers of the camera. The VEYE shell script is well documented for value of register 0x12 but nothing about 0x10, 0x11 and 0x13 registers and values.
There are multiple modules inside the camera, and these registers are set to access multiple modules through an i2C address.
Customers need to strictly follow the function of the shell script to access a full function. -
Sorry again for all this questions and thanks a lot for your great help. My last question is regarding the picture format. Is RGB format available ?
I add a IMAGE_ENCODING_RGB FOURCC('R', 'G', 'B', '') in D_mipicam.h . So if I create an IMAGE_FORMAT with this value for encoding member, will it be enough ? -
@watchever said in saturation, contrast, shutter speed, iso on VEYE-MIPI-462:
Is RGB format available ?
This camera module support YUV422(VYUY or YUYV) only. -
And Yuv420 of course ?