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Posts made by veye_xumm
RE: how to setup mv-mipi-imx287m on rpi zero 2w?
RE: MV-MIPI-IMX264实时预览卡死的情况
@阿坎德 看现象感觉是内存泄漏。这个demo现在基本用途上是客户做一下出图验证和聚焦。所以只是个简单的例子。回头我们会安排时间跟进一下。
RE: MV-MIPI-IMX264在迅为RK3568上成像内容不正确
@阿坎德 相机本身支持最大的分辨率是2464(H)× 2056(V),所以你需要修改一下你命令行中width这个参数为2464.
RE: MV-MIPI-IMX264在迅为RK3568上成像内容不正确
https://github.com/veyeimaging/rk35xx_veye_bsp/tree/main/samples/opencv/mv camera
v4l2dev_2_opencv_show_grey.py -
RE: MV-MIPI-IMX264在迅为RK3568上成像内容不正确
@阿坎德 模糊的原因是镜头聚焦不清晰,应该拧动镜头进行聚焦。
软件方面已经正常了。 -
RE: AR0234 on Rk3588s is unable to capture image
First of all, please go to the following link to update the driver of mvcam. The latest driver will set the lane number in the camera according to the configuration of the DTS.https://github.com/veyeimaging/rk35xx_veye_bsp/tree/main/linux/drivers/kernel_v5.10
Secondly, the DTS needs to be configured according to your RK3588 board, and I can't do it directly for you. You can make analogies and modifications by referring to the DTS of the camera originally supported by your board.
RE: AR0234 on Rk3588s is unable to capture image
I see that you have ported the driver to the Radxa CM5 board. Your I2C is already working, otherwise the camera wouldn't be recognized correctly. Another thing to check is that the MIPI DPHY and CSI interfaces are properly configured in the DTS.
With the correct DTS configuration, typically on the RK3588 platform, a script for capturing images would look something like this:
export I2C_BUS=7 export WIDTH=1920 export HEIGHT=1200 export FPS=50 v4l2-ctl -d /dev/v4l-subdev2 --set-ctrl roi_x=0 v4l2-ctl -d /dev/v4l-subdev2 --set-ctrl roi_y=0 media-ctl -d /dev/media0 --set-v4l2 '"m00_b_mvcam '"$I2C_BUS"'-003b":0[fmt:Y8_1X8/'"$WIDTH"'x'"$HEIGHT"'@1/'"$FPS"']' v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl frame_rate=$FPS -d /dev/v4l-subdev2 v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=$WIDTH,height=$HEIGHT,pixelformat=GREY --stream-mmap --stream-count=-1 --stream-to=/dev/null
RE: how to setup mv-mipi-imx287m on rpi zero 2w?
Please try this on rpi5:
export WIDTH=704 export HEIGHT=544 export FPS=319 ./media_setting_rpi5.sh mvcam -fmt RAW8 -x 8 -y 8 -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl roi_x=8 -d /dev/v4l-subdev2 v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl roi_y=8 -d /dev/v4l-subdev2 v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=$WIDTH,height=$HEIGHT v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl frame_rate=$FPS -d /dev/v4l-subdev2 v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=$WIDTH,height=$HEIGHT,pixelformat=GREY --stream-mmap --stream-count=-1 --stream-to=/dev/null
RE: raw234摄像头移植到rk3588遇到无法采图问题。
@limengfei 可能是dts设置不正确。请根据你的硬件原理图正确设置dts。
RE: RAW-MIPI-SC53M maximum exposure length
@izaak In fact, in the Video streaming mode, it is impossible to achieve an exposure time of 1 second. I conducted a test in the 2 - lane raw8 format, as follows:
pi@raspberrypi:~/mvcamera/mv_tools_rpi $ ./mv_mipi_i2c_new.sh -w fps 0.01 w fps 0.01 pi@raspberrypi:~/mvcamera/mv_tools_rpi $ ./mv_mipi_i2c_new.sh -r fps r fps is 3.48 fps pi@raspberrypi:~/mvcamera/mv_tools_rpi $ ./mv_mipi_i2c_new.sh -w metime 1000000 w manual exp time is 1000000 us pi@raspberrypi:~/mvcamera/mv_tools_rpi $ ./mv_mipi_i2c_new.sh -r exptime r current exptime is 287129 us
It can be achieved in Pulse Trigger Mode. However, due to the excessive accumulated dark current, the signal noise will be very high. I don't think it has practical value.
RE: different modules simultaneously on jetson nano mipi interface
@joe The RAW-MIPI-AR0234M is a MONO camera that has no color information and therefore does not support the UYVY data format. Please refer to this link below:
https://wiki.veye.cc/index.php/Mv_series_camera_appnotes_4_jetson#Configuring_global_variables -
RE: different modules simultaneously on jetson nano mipi interface
Please get tegra234-p3767-camera-p3768-veyecam2m-raw_ar0234m.dtbo
from here:
https://github.com/veyeimaging/nvidia_jetson_veye_bsp/tree/master/dtbs/Orin/JetPack_6.1_Linux_JETSON_ORIN_TARGETS/orin_nx_nano -
RE: different modules simultaneously on jetson nano mipi interface
It is better to compile dtbo in the cross-compile environment of the jetson system, because there are some references that may not be available on the orin board.
I'll arrange to do a bit of compiling for you as soon as possible. -
RE: different modules simultaneously on jetson nano mipi interface
@joe said in different modules simultaneously on jetson nano mipi interface:
It's still the same procedure:
What you need to do is to reintegrate the DTS based on our released code and compile it into the required DTB file.
Specifically, the DTB file we are currently releasing configures both CAM0 and CAM1 as the same camera model.
Now, you need to integrate the DTS files of the two camera models into one DTB file. This will specify that CAM0 is one model and CAM1 is another model of the camera. -
RE: IMX296在RK3588上不出图
你参考这个脚本试试:export I2C_BUS=7 export WIDTH=1456 export HEIGHT=1088 export FPS=60 v4l2-ctl -d /dev/v4l-subdev2 --set-ctrl roi_x=0 v4l2-ctl -d /dev/v4l-subdev2 --set-ctrl roi_y=0 media-ctl -d /dev/media0 --set-v4l2 '"m00_b_mvcam '"$I2C_BUS"'-003b":0[fmt:Y8_1X8/'"$WIDTH"'x'"$HEIGHT"'@1/'"$FPS"']' v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=$WIDTH,height=$HEIGHT,pixelformat=GREY --stream-mmap --stream-count=-1 --stream-to=/dev/null
RE: 移植imx462摄像头驱动到rk3588时出现了以下的问题,不知道怎么解决,内核版本是5.10
@aike 我们对接rk平台的经验中,只有一个厂家的板子遇到了给你这个完全一样的问题,就是用上次帖子中的方法解决的。该问题原因是此板厂提供的linux内核,调用veyecam2m_enum_frame_sizes时没有正确的传入fse->code参数,导致参数验证失败。
如果只是打开这个宏定义不够,需要你手动在这些函数返回错误的地方增加打印信息,进行查找报错处。 -
RE: Horizontal Line Artifacts on MV-MIPI-IMX264 and IMX287 with NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX (JetPack 6)
For third-party carrier boards on the Orin Nano or Orin NX platform, we have indeed encountered issues with MIPI signal transmission quality. There isn't a good solution at the moment, so we recommend switching to an official NVIDIA board.
RE: 移植imx462摄像头驱动到rk3588时出现了以下的问题,不知道怎么解决,内核版本是5.10
你试一下将驱动中下面这个函数改成如下:static int veyecam2m_enum_frame_sizes(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg, struct v4l2_subdev_frame_size_enum *fse) { VEYE_TRACE if (fse->index >= ARRAY_SIZE(supported_modes)) return -EINVAL; //if (fse->code != VEYECAM2M_MEDIA_BUS_FMT/*MEDIA_BUS_FMT_UYVY8_2X8*/) // return -EINVAL; fse->min_width = supported_modes[fse->index].width; fse->max_width = supported_modes[fse->index].width; fse->max_height = supported_modes[fse->index].height; fse->min_height = supported_modes[fse->index].height; return 0; }